Our Design Philosophy

We aren't here to recreate the wheel /
we're here to re-invent it.

We believe making more of the same garments that already exist would be an entire waste of time. We exist to solve the problems nobody wanted to solve, or improve upon the garments we've been given. Our reason for being is to redesign foundational pieces to make pieces for what women need today.

Starting w/ the worst offender: the strapless bra.

My Reason For Being:

I was in 4th grade (peak tomboy phase) when I was told I had to start wearing a bra. Every day since, I began replacing what I wanted to be, with what other people told me to be.

Every day since, I started to live inside perceived limitations of my environment. My boobs made me feel limited in what I thought I could wear. The lack of support made me feel limited in what I thought I could do. And (the part that needs the most healing) I let external voices create a box of limiting beliefs around what I thought I could become.

Our reason for being is to support anyone who has ever felt limited. By their bra, their external environment, the boxes someone else put them in. To encourage you to wear, to do, to be, to become, everything and anything you want to be, based on what feels right and true to you.

Our reason for being is to support you in your wholeness, and in your oneness. And as you step into the person you were meant to become, know that you are supported fully. And as you move through the world, stepping into the person you were put here to be, know that you are supported fully. And if along your journey should you ever need, or choose, to wear a bra, I hope you choose a bra that gives you the freedom to change, to grow, to expand, to evolve. One that encourages you to honor what you need in this moment, and to adjust accordingly.

My reason for being, is to support you in yours.

w/ love + gratitude.

Danielle Rushton, Founder + CEO


The EveryWhere Strapless Bra


The EveryWhere Seamless Thong

Introducing SizeSets™

Bra sizing got an upgrade, and we made it personal.