
Embrace Freedom: Why Strapless Bras Need an Upgrade

Embrace Freedom: Why Strapless Bras Need an Upgrade

By embracing innovation and listening to the needs of women, Wherewithal has revolutionized the strapless bra and empower women to confidently wear any outfit they desire. The future of strapless bras is one of freedom, comfort, and style, ensuring that women feel supported, beautiful, and empowered in every moment of their lives. The future of strapless bras starts here. 
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Breastimony™ w/ Danielle Rushton

I remember finally stopping to ask myself, and the universe, and God, who is this even being made for? Size standards in fashion aren’t a secret — as size goes up, style goes down. But this was a bathing suit style that would have been fine if they would have used an appropriate amount of fabric for the size they labeled it to be. From that moment, I decided to make my own clothes that would fit me as I am, and stop letting these companies that couldn't care less about what feels best to me force me into standard sizes that were never made to fit my individual, unique and personal size. So, I did what any fed-up-with-the-industry-millennial would do; I fired up YouTube, bought myself a sewing machine, and began teaching myself how to sew.
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Meet Our Model: Ali

"I honestly started sharing my wellness journey for somewhat selfish reasons. I posted this very raw photo of myself almost 200 pounds, postpartum, and kind of just put it out there in the world saying that I was going to start working to better myself. There wasn’t any "after" photo to go with that first initial “before” photo. I thought if I put it all out there then it would keep me accountable to follow through with my goals."
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Meet Our Model: Malaika

"I think I felt comfortable in my own skin at a young age. In my teens I felt content in my body and missed those common teen years of struggling for reasons I’m still not sure. For me as I got to college that’s when I became less comfortable. Now I have to say I’m still working on it, but most days I feel pretty good just the way I am."
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